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Zero Hour: A Chef’s Odyssey - Directed by Irving Perdomo, Roman Fiorella

Project Type: Food Documentary

Project Title: Zero Hour: A Chef’s Odyssey

Brief Synopsis: Unlike other food documentaries we're focusing more on the artist. These chefs tell us how they navigate through such a demanding industry. Chef Irving knows he needs to change, but the chef he is today has to die.

Runtime: 55:27

Completion Date: 08/05/2023

Country of Origin: U.S.A

Language: English


Director: Irving Perdomo, Roman Fiorella

Writer: Irving Perdomo

Producer: Irving Perdomo

Cinematographer: Roman Fiorella

Editor: Irving Perdomo

Key Cast:

Irving Perdomo “Himself”

Nana Araba “Herself”

Selim Ali Topal “Himself”

Chris Strelnick “Himself”

Cesar Delgado “Himself”

Dimitri Phimmason “Himself”


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