Project Type: Animation
Project Title: The Bag
Brief Synopsis: T's bag got ripped by an addict who tried to steal it. T is on a search to keep his belongings secure. As he looks for a replacement bag, he tries to connect with a public that treats him like an outsider. The one guy who listens is in danger of getting the brunt of T's frustrations as T tries to hold his life and bag together.
Where do you keep your stuff?
Runtime: 5 minutes
Completion Date: October 10th, 2024
Country of Origin: United States
Language: English
Director: Glen Dunzweiler
Writer: Glen Dunzweiler
Producer: Glen Dunzweiler
Cinematographer:(Animator) Glen Dunzweiler
Editor: Glen Dunzweiler
Key Cast: Dominique Marsell, Elaine Auburn, Jonathan Tipton Meyers,
Angelo Hunter