Project Type: Short Film
Project Title: Palmento
Brief Synopsis: The short film Palmento offers an intimate look into the winemaking traditions of Sicily’s Mount Etna region, focusing on the ancient practice of using palmenti—stone wine presses carved into volcanic rock. These structures, dating back centuries, are a testament to the island's deep-rooted viticultural heritage. In modern times, the traditional use of Palmenti has been outlawed by governmental agencies and today a group of winemakers are fighting to protect an important winemaking heritage. The spectacular images of volcanic eruptions are all filmed by cinematographer and Etna local Giuseppe Distefano.
Runtime: 14.46
RCompletion Date: September 2024
Country of Origin: USA and Italy
Language: English and Italian with English subtitles
Director: C.L. Barnes
Writer: C.L. Barnes
Producer: C. L. Barnes, Jason E. Borrows
Cinematographer: Giuseppe Distefano, Alfonso Nogueroles, C.L. Barnes
Editor: Yan Vega
Key Cast:
Salvo Foti,
Frank Cornelissen,
Marco Digrazia