Project Type: Short Film
Project Title: morning routine
Brief Synopsis: As dawn breaks, Zaq embarks on the delicate ritual of starting their day. But in every mirror, every shadow, looms a presence both familiar and unsettling: their true self. What begins as a simple attempt to tackle the mundane morning routine spirals into a surreal struggle, where every step forward is met with resistance—not from the world outside, but from the complex, unrelenting force within. Between the tedium of toothpaste and black tea, Zaq wrestles with the weight of authenticity and the impossible demands of conformity. A sharp, satirical twist on the glossy "morning routine" craze, 'morning routine' dives into the unspoken battle between self-expression and societal norms. It’s a vibrant, poignant allegory of trans empowerment, showing that sometimes the hardest part of the day isn’t waking up—it’s showing up as yourself.
Runtime: 5 minutes
Completion Date: December 9, 2024
Country of Origin: United States of America
Language: titles in English (no dialogue)
Writer, Director, Producer: Zaq Latino