Project Type: Animation
Project Title: JIMMY AND BABY
Brief Synopsis: Jimmy and Baby is a slapstick comedy adventure that follows two young brothers and members of the Frog Mafia. Sent on a mission by Toad Boss, we join the twists and turns of the boys’ hijinks. A distant star, a giant’s dream, even a trip to hell: there’s no limit to where their antics take them. Physical gags, violence, and cuteness abound as the boys take on endless capers and competitions.
Runtime: 20 minutes 01 second
Completion Date: 23rd April 2024
Country of Origin: Australia/USA
Language: English
Director: Paul Robertson
Writer: Michelle Larney, Dave Supplee, Paul Robertson
Producer: Paul Robertson
Cinematographer: Paul Robertson
Editor: Paul Robertson
Key Cast: Michelle Larney, Dave Supplee