Sand & Stone - Directed by Berta Canivell
Cut All Trees - Directed by Olivia Lige Wuri
12 And More Omissions - Directed by Jordan Lisi
RETREAT - Directed by Mari SanGiovanni
The Plan - Directed by Jorge Gúzman
Anna - Directed by Emlyn Boyle
Reflexos - Directed by Sarah Galantini
Confessions - Directed by Veronica Valenti
STASH The Movie - Directed by George Rodriguez
Sumarsólstöður - Directed by Amélie Ravalec
Confessions - Directed by Veronica Valenti
Jammed - Directed by Dyan Dumpangol
The Evening Standard - Knife Crime - Directed by Edward Spreull
The Reach - Directed by Luca Caserta
COPE - Directed by Snovonne 'Sno' Drake
PHARAOH - Written by Dimitri Devyatkin
Les Savy Fav Guzzle Blood - Directed by Christy Karacas & Luca Depardon
Paula Says Hi - Directed by James C. Thompson
Incurable - Directed by Frédéric Roussel
The Flat Earther - Directed by Peter Chidiac
Hello - Directed by Lauren Poole
Caboose - Directed by Dan King
Nothing is going on - Directed by Luis Longo
The Last One - Directed by Stephan Regoli
Hammer, Wrench & Screwdriver - Directed by Gabriel Vilandré
The Death Collector - Directed by Peter Bromley
We Caught A Burglar - Directed by Will Holyhead
Whispers of the Page - Directed by Indiah Clark
The Carpet - Written by Shamil Aliyev
Grandma - Directed by Kexin Tang
THAY - Directed by Sabine van Wechem
The Skids ReVolution / Resolution - Directed by Laura graham, Colin J Graham
The Missing Peace - Directed by Michael Raymond-James
Yellow - Directed by Angel Garcia
Sedona - Directed by Julia Canale
Bad Bread - Directed by Jack Puchala
Jammed - Directed by Dyan Dumpangol
Did You Remember The Cat? - Directed by Daniel Foster
The Healing Process - Directed by An-J Hays
Arcade Moon - Directed by William Michael Anderson
Jhonatan Ospina - Mistery - Directed by Mateus Rigola
What Could Have Been - Directed by Sarah Lim
KIDNAPPED - Directed by Joel Maquera
FEATURES D909 - Directed by Sai Ko MIMEUR
Tokyo Ghost - Written by Rachel Walsh-Williams
Ravager - Directed by Michael S. Maguina
Morning Routine - Directed by Zaq Latino
Mistero 31 - Directed by Ferdinando Zito
Ndazkoh - Directed by Tracey Cochrane
If the Dogs Don't Speak... - Directed by Toritse Ogbemi-Daibo
Taimis - Directed by Aaron Clark Crisostomo, Janelle Precious Rose Huang, Alexa Reign Nuestro
Forever 21 - Directed by Bonnie Mckee, David Richardson
Lust the Video - Directed by Öystein Thorsen
The Dressing - Directed by Patrick Moser
Cosmic Hesitations - Directed by Jimena Muhlia
Ninja Unicorn - Directed by Jenny R Kavit
5013 - Directed by Glenda G. Delgado
Far Away From Home - Directed by Abdiwahid Kadir
Darkness Hunting - Directed by Adam Sergent
An Old Friend - Directed by Nuk Suwanchote
Ruby and Tom Take a Caketo a Wedding - Directed by Jack McTaggart
Shaka, A Story of Aloha - Directed by Alexander Bocchieri
My Dog Sighs (INSIDE) - Directed by Paul Gonella
Movement Towards Freedom - Directed by Martin Gatti
Prawn Star - Directed by Juan C. Linares and Mitch Deitz
Fish Eye - Directed by Frøydis Fossli Moe
The Owl - Directed by Mary Danielyan
A Long Journey - Directed by Mira Kim
Coney Island Then And Now - Directed by Maria Clara Costa
For The Billionth Time Today - Directed by Jack Chisik
Majack in Candy Cupid - Directed by Mark Janavel
Whispers of the Sea - Directed by Marcos Rangel
Nor Any Drop to Drink: Flint's Water Crisis - Directed by Cedric Taylor
Psychoco - Directed by Agnė Daniūnaitė
APT4800 - Directed by Xuanning Zhang
9-1-1 (not a 9/11 parody) - Directed by Wilson & Michael Ogberefor
Boys Don’t Kiss Fat Girls - Directed by Tesha Kondrat
Tigre - Directed by Maria Victoria Sanchez
The Last Ranger - Directed by Cindy Lee
LEVELED - Directed by Sara Rangooni
Umbral - Directed by Miguel Andrade
Amma Amma Cheppe Neethi Kadhalu - Directed by Bhanu Prakash
Lim Mart - Directed by Jun Yu
RETURN - Directed by Lao Rui
Noah’s Spaceship - Directed by Jae Yong Choi
Forgotten But Not Gone - Directed by Boyu Wang
UNSPOKEN - Written by Stephen Burkhalter
Entombed - Directed by Milan Stojilovic
Song of Homecoming - Directed by Alex Schuurbiers
I Have a Boyfriend - Directed by Derek Yang
Wildfire Smoke – Sky Swallower - Directed by Rodolfo Pérez-Luna
Ice Breath - Directed by Leonard Alecu
Document 56 - Directed by Christopher Landry
Betsi Does Karaoke - Written by Jessi Pauline Walker
The Food That Fuels - Directed by Life’s Interpretation
Damascus - Directed by Carter Cox
The Artist. The Art - Margarete Adler - Directed by David Voss
The Red Jacket - Directed by Agustín Silva Ocampo
Party Panda (The Birth of a Serial Killer) - Directed by Uriah Herr
Attachment for Life - Directed by Jingbo Sha
His and Hers - Directed by Natalie Turcotte
Secret Garden - Directed by Yihui Hu
White Noise (Ghost out of the shell) - Directed by JEONG-UNG JO
Rare Kind - Directed by Earl Cole
Douche Canoe - Directed by Craig Melville
The Last Show - Directed by Lisle Turner
5 Am In Manama - Directed by Khaled Jalal
My Brother’s Bike - Directed by Daniel Pattison
Our Grandparents Hunted Here - Directed by Abdel Mandili, Julian Busquets Moura
Kuulat (Beads) - Directed by Hannaleena Bensky