Project Type: Short Film
Project Title: Crève la gueule ouverte
Brief Synopsis: In a dystopian future, a lone killer is entrusted with a final assassination for his employer, a totalitarian corporation. The success of the mission will secure him a place on Mars, where the ruling class is retreating after an ecological disaster that doomed the Earth. This macabre quest will take him on one last journey through a world in perdition where humanity indulges in the celebration of all its fantasies.
Runtime: 18:03
Completion Date: October 2023
Country of Origin: France
Language: French (with English Subtitles)
Director: Simon Biron
Writer: Simon Biron
Producer: Simon Biron
Cinematographer: Marvin Gombart
Editor: Florian Matz
Key Cast:
Thomas Carbonnel,
Angela Sichanh
Frédéric Souterelle