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Chained Silence Speaks: An Interview with Edwin Rose

Please tell us about the projects you worked on before making ‘Chained Silence Speaks. How did you start, and how did you learn to make films?

I attended Texas Southern University where I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree in Radio, Television and Film. There I won a few awards as a student Filmmaker. I started production company and produced many various projects for clients and employers. I’m currently employed at Galena Park ISD as the Coordinator for Audiovisual Communications.

Tell us about ‘Chained Silence Speaks’. How do you describe it?

Chained Silence Speaks Chapter One: “Kojo” is a documentary drama that addresses the issue of Child Trafficking in Ghana. My goal was to illustrate to the viewing audience the extent of what these children endure. Imagine a child at the age of 5 being sold by his or her parents then being forced to work in dangerous conditions or worst. I envision this film being a catalyst to get more people involved with addressing Human Trafficking. This film is the first of a bigger project.  It’s a passion project of mine. Many of the children in the film are orphans from Becky’s Foundation in Kenya Break Ghana. Some of them were recovered from situations like the young boy in this film. This makes it even more impactful.


Please tell us about your favorite filmmakers.

Todd Phillips the Director of “The Joker”. His attention to detail is excellent. I also like Zack Snyder, particularly his version of Justice League which in my opinion was far superior to the theatrical release version.

If you were given a good budget, what would be your ideal project?

 My ideal project would be a film based on my maternal Grandparents. It would be about how they met and the various things they had to deal with during the 1940s as a middle class African American Family. My Grandmother had a piano studio, and my grandfather worked in retail and later

Describe how you would ensure that production is on schedule. What steps would you take?

There will be a great deal of pre-production planning and then rehearsals with the cast and crew. For great success great organization is essential. Once filming starts, we would run a strict schedule.


What was the hardest part of making ‘Chained Silence Speaks’.

Funding was the biggest obstacle logistically. Originally, I wanted to bring a crew with me to Ghana but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to raise the funds so I went by myself. I did receive a nice contribution from, Family, Mr. Chris Senegal who is the Co-Executive Producer as well as Byron Gautier. Their contributions helped to ensure I was able to make the trip and pay the actors.  Being that I couldn’t bring my crew with me I had to train some of the local volunteers from the orphanage. This was done in one day. They caught on and served as production assistants.


If possible, tell us about your next work. What plans do you have for your future work?

I am making plans to do the next installment of Chained Silence Speaks. This will cover Sex Trafficking in the United States. It will be a feature length dramatization based on real life events.


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