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A Family Affair - Directed by Tiago Suliansky

Project Type: Film

Project Title: "A Family Affair"

Brief Synopsis: Carlos, Paula and their two teenage kids, Juana and Fausto, join

around the table for an evening meal. The attempt of a nice family dinner to celebrate their anniversary quickly collapses as tensions rise throughout the night to reveal the cracks of a fragmented family.

Runtime: 15 min

Completion Date: October, 2023

Country of Origin: Argentina

Language: Spanish


Director: Tiago Suliansky

Writer: Tiago Suliansky

Producer: Tiago Suliansky/Juan

Wenceslao Hayzus

Cinematographer: Mateo Di Tommaso/

Agustina Baños

Editor: Valentina Chacon

Key Cast: Alma Buffay, German Basso,

Felipe Flossdorf, Renata Marmora


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