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Bert & Amanda - Directed by Joe Olmstead
Project Type: Film Project Title: Bert& Amanda Brief Synopsis: Bert & Amanda are getting back together...but should they? The on-again,...
Iguana Like the Sun - Directed by Julian Robles
Project Type: Feature / Fiction Project Title: Iguana Like the Sun Runtime: 100` Completion Date: Oct/2022 Country of Origin: Mexico...
The Pet Shop - Directed by Esther Forest
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: The Pet Shop Brief Synopsis: Louise, a shop assistant at a pet shop spends days filled with...
Biocentrics - Directed by Fernanda Heinz Figueiredo and Ataliba Benaim
Project Type: Feature documentary Project Title: Biocentrics (Biocêntricos) Brief Synopsis: How would you reinvent a part of your world...
Places We Knew - Directed by Oliver William Staton
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Places We Knew Brief Synopsis: A young Japanese American returns to his childhood home in Japan...
Portti - Directed by Tuomas Järvenpää
Project Type: Short-film Project Title: Portti Brief Synopsis: A satirical sci-fi short about the encounter between a frustrated man and...
Peaking Through the Sand - Directed by Andréa Campos and Lauryn Hayes
Project Type : Documentary Film Project Title : Peaking Through the Sand Brief Synopsis : Peaking Through the Sand is a story about the...
Marvelous Gift - Directed by Danna Galeano
Project Type: Animation Short Film Project Title: Marvelous Gift Brief Synopsis: In a world where humanity has gained the gift of eternal...
The Mirror Parajanov - Directed by Amimer Jérôme
Project Type: Documentary Project Title: The Mirror Parajanov Brief Synopsis: Sergei Paradjanov (1924-1990), a genius filmmaker, is a...
Father Figure (Weekend Lovers) - Directed by Marta DeLeon
Type: Music Video Title: Weekend Lovers’s cover of George Michael’s “Father Figure” Remix by Superorder Synopsis: a music video...
Bloody Good Soup - Directed by Holly M.
Project Type: short film Project Title: Bloody Good Soup Brief Synopsis: Following his botched assignment, Charley returns home at...
Dwelling in the Dissolve - Directed by Holly Willis
Project Title: Dwelling in the Dissolve Brief Synopsis: Dwelling in the Dissolve borrows footage from the discarded fourth reel of the...
BAKUNAWA: Opera of the Seven Moons - Directed by Micaela Tobin
Project Title: BAKUNAWA: Opera of the Seven Moons Brief Synopsis: “Bakunawa rose from the ocean, so mesmerized by the light of the seven...
Into and Away From the Woods - Directed by Josh Hananel
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Into and Away From the Woods Brief Synopsis: A pair of boys journey together in their...
1-800-BOD-ARMY - Directed by Max Fitzpatrick
Project Type: MUSIC VIDEO Project Title: 1-800-BOD-ARMY Brief Synopsis: Can Artists start wars? The BOD ARMY wants you. Call Now!...
Monsters and Vineyards - Directed by César Hernández
Project Type: Documentary Project Title: Afloat: Monsters and Vineyards Brief Synopsis: Lola Escámez, a contemporary artist has dedicated...
Money Virus - Directed by Shawn Huang
Project Type: Short film(sci-fi,thriller,drama) Project Title: Money Virus Brief Synopsis: This is a social allegory about a hacker using...
Serve No Purpose - Directed by Amr AL-Karmy
Project Type: Film Project Title: Serve No Purpose Brief Synopsis: Serve No Purpose is a short film that follows the lives of three...
Your Time Has Come - Directed by David Durán
Project Type: Film Project Title: Your Time Has Come (Llegó tu hora) Brief Synopsis: Paula is about to reveal an invention that will...
I'm Not Talking - Directed by Roy Chadwick
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: I’M NOT TALKING Brief Synopsis: Lisa is interrogated by a Police Detective on the whereabouts of...
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