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Night is an Odd Day - Directed by Vincenzo Giordano
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Night is an Odd Day Brief Synopsis: A food truck selling 'O pere e 'o Musso - a mass of cyanotic...
The Days of Knight - Directed by John P. Martinez
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: The Days of Knight Brief Synopsis: A highly trained operative, belonging to a clandestine ancient...
Honor’s Half-Life - Directed by Robert Flowers
Project Title: Honor’s Half-Life Brief Synopsis: When a teenage daughter's ex military father brings her to help an old friend from his...
V.A.L.U - Directed by Cutler Rust
Project Type: Film Project Title: V.A.L.U Brief Synopsis: In a future where a computerized system determines the value of human life, a...
Angel - Directed by Margarita Ruseva
Project Type: Short film (student) Project Title: Angel Brief Synopsis: In 'Angel,' we delve into the poignant journey of an elderly man,...
The Currency of Time - Directed by Brandon Lagaert
Project Type: Short film (screendance) Project Title: The currency of time Brief Synopsis: The currency of time revolves around a woman's...
DOWNGRADE - Directed by Sylvie Kuiristo & Szilvia Szakács
Project Type: Animation short film made with A.I. Project Title: DOWNGRADE Brief Synopsis: We used many programs and A.I techniques to...
The Last Time - Directed by Blake Drivas
Project Type: Music Video Project Title: The Last Time Brief Synopsis: A woman grieving over a recent loss, goes on one more date with...
Force and Courage, Rise and Decline of An Italian Football Club - Directed by Francesco Bovara & Giovanni Merlini
Force and Courage, rise and decline of an Italian Football Club Directed by Francesco Bovara. Giovanni Merlini The 100-year history of...
Nostalmagia - Directed by Simon Sciacovelli
Project Type: Short Film Title: Nostalmagia Brief Synopsis: The enigmatic spirit of Nostalgia voyages through reality, seeking to rectify...
Vittoria - Directed by Julien Barlan
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Vittoria Brief Synopsis: travels to her hometown to spend the weekend with her religious parents....
Dance What You Are - Directed by Aliki Svandere
Project Type: Film Project Title: Dance what you are Brief Synopsis: What do we do when we meet ourselves and others in an “empty” space?...
Hold Me - Directed by Andrew Tingle & Terezia Benova
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Hold Me Brief Synopsis: Hold Me is an unorthodox story of self-discovery for the modern age, from...
The Old Man and the Demon Sword - Directed by Fábio Powers
Project Type: Film Project Title: The Old Man and the Demon Sword Brief Synopsis: From the haunted forests of a lost Portuguese village,...
Zero Hour: A Chef’s Odyssey - Directed by Irving Perdomo & Roman Fiorella
Project Type: Food Documentary Project Title: Zero Hour: A Chef’s Odyssey Brief Synopsis: Unlike other food documentaries we're focusing...
The Man in the Blue Suit - Directed by Evan Patrick Adams
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: “The Man in the Blue Suit” Brief Synopsis: Charlie, a lone ranger, must protect Sarah from harm....
A Cloud Holding a Knife - Directed by Julian Iliev
Project Title: A Cloud Holding a Knife Brief Synopsis: Narrating his factless biography, a young blind man contemplates fate as his...
Mannvirki - Directed by Gústav Geir Bollason
Project Type: Film Project Title: Mannvirki Brief Synopsis: An abandoned building on Iceland's northern coast has fallen subject to the...
Crève la gueule ouverte - Directed by Simon Biron
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Crève la gueule ouverte Brief Synopsis: In a dystopian future, a lone killer is entrusted with a...
Fugue for a Spiritual Life - Directed by Thomas Wohlmut
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: FUGUE for a Spiritual Life Brief Synopsis: As environmental systems collapse, there is a...
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