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Frugalman - Directed by Daylen Pollard
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Frugalman Brief Synopsis: The man has a simple motto: I don't pay for nothin'. He's in love with...
My Turn! - Directed by Daisha Lin Sherman and Isabelle Maria Tumboimbela
Project Type: Animation Project Title: My Turn! Brief Synopsis: Turn! is a short film about the importance of sisterhood through a wacky,...
Gallery - Directed by Hyunmin
Project Title (Original Language): Gallery Project Type: Animation, Student Looking into the gallery of my life. The story of an office...
When a Man Is Suspicious - Directed by Sche-Hao "Thomas" Wang
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: When a Man Is Suspicious Brief Synopsis: After Paul overhears his wife’s phone call, vivid...
Troubled - Directed by Patricia Wagner
Project Type: Video Project Title: Troubled Brief Synopsis: Troubled by Patricia Wagner explores the lasting impact of the Troubles on...
A Moth On a Bomb - Directed by Oleg Stepanov
Project Type: Short film Project Title: A Moth On a Bomb Brief Synopsis: Over time, any system finds its balance and peace, everything...
UBI SUNT - Directed by Natalia Jezova
Project Type: Film Project Title: ”UBI SUNT” Brief Synopsis: UBI SUNT (literally “where are they”) is a rhetorical question taken from...
Untersberg - Directed by Marta Shkop
Project Type: Short film Project Title: Untersberg Brief Synopsis: Kate and Kevin travel to the famous Untersberg to find out if the...
A Family Affair - Directed by Tiago Suliansky
Project Type: Film Project Title: "A Family Affair" Brief Synopsis: Carlos, Paula and their two teenage kids, Juana and Fausto, join...
Fist, Palm, Pulse - Directed by Juz Escalante
Project Type: shortfilm Project Title: Fist,Palm,Pulse Brief Synopsis: Gerda Gruber's creative process is continuous; vitality and energy...
Lovesick - Directed by Nick Benjamin
Project Type: Music Video Project Title: Lovesick Brief Synopsis: Lovesick, with music and lyrics by Liv Belda, is a music video about...
What the hell? - Directed by Adar Wadislavski
Project Type: Film Project Title: What the hell? Brief Synopsis: Eyal and Shani are close friend who would like to get closer, they cant...
Parallel Partners - Directed by Christopher Sheffield
Project Type: Film Project Title: Parallel Partners Brief Synopsis: A scientist accidentally invents a device that allows people to...
One Minute of Unconsciousness - Directed by Eliana Cordova
Project Type: Short Film (Drama) Project Title: One Minute of Unconsciousness Brief Synopsis: In the middle of an existential crisis,...
Steven. - Directed by Rouida Sherif
Project Type: Documentary Project Title: Steven. Brief Synopsis: Follow Steven's inspiring journey as he breaks free from societal...
Chained Silence Speaks - Directed by Edwin Rose
Project Type: Short Film (Documentary) Project Title: Chained Silence Speaks Chapter One: Kojo Brief Synopsis: In the stirring...
The Miracle Stag - Directed by Péter Bergendy
Project Type: Film Project Title: The Miracle Stag Brief Synopsis: According to ancient Hungarian legend, the two chieftains Hunor and...
Lemon Joe - Directed by Jacob Whiting
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Lemon Joe Brief Synopsis: Two of the most famous outlaws in the west have a fateful duel....
Open - Directed by Peter Jonathan Cameron
Project Type: Short film Project Title: “Open” Brief Synopsis: The film Open is a dark comedy-drama revolving around a couple, Natasha...
A Chef's Heart - Directed by Benny Vink
Project Type: Documentary Project Title: A Chef's Heart Brief Synopsis: In A Chef's Heart we follow Michelin star, Chef Chris Naylor. He...
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