BAKUNAWA: Opera of the Seven Moons - Directed by Micaela Tobin
Into and Away From the Woods - Directed by Josh Hananel
1-800-BOD-ARMY - Directed by Max Fitzpatrick
Monsters and Vineyards - Directed by César Hernández
Money Virus - Directed by Shawn Huang
Serve No Purpose - Directed by Amr AL-Karmy
Your Time Has Come - Directed by David Durán
I'm Not Talking - Directed by Roy Chadwick
Blink Time - Directed by David John Jeffery
Chomp - Directed by Carter Bowden
Because We Are Too Many - Directed by Eve Leonard-Walsh
L'INCONTRO - Directed by Erik Montalbano
Home - Directed by Al Chang
A Foretelling at the Dusk - Directed by Hirokazu Fukawa
Zero Hour: A Chef’s Odyssey - Directed by Irving Perdomo, Roman Fiorella
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - Directed by Bianca Infurna
Not A Long Time Ago - Directed by Marcus Günther
Goblin King - Directed by Edward Vincent
Flat White - Directed by Stephen Shearsby
Chance of Stormy Skies - Directed by Ted Hogeman