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Blue Shades - Written by Alejandro Vilpa
Project Type: Script (TV Pilot) Project Title: Blue Shades Brief Synopsis: In a futuristic world where AI dominates the entertainment...
Art of Abandonment - Directed by Daria Podsiado & C.J. Till
Project Type: Short Documentary Project Title: Art of Abandonment Brief Synopsis: An aging artist creating mysterious sculptures in the...
Catastropizza - Directed by Casey Li
Project Type: Animation Project Title: Catastropizza Brief Synopsis: Mittens is a pizza-loving cat who wants nothing but a nice pizza...
RAM - Directed by Chance Calloway
Project Type: Film Project Title: RAM (Like the Verb) Brief Synopsis: During the casting process for a reality series, an openly gay...
Northeasterly Wind - Directed by Daniel Xue
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Northeasterly Wind 东北风 Brief Synopsis: Jianguo and Xunli met while they were unexpectedly...
Mohanas, Resistencias, Memoria, Paz - Directed by Sergi Tarín
Project Type: Film Project Title: 'Mohanas. Resistencias, memoria, paz' Brief Synopsis: The documentary describes the decades-long work...
Into The Reds Tale - Directed by Alisdair Zhang
Project Type: Animation Project Title: Into The Reds Tale Brief Synopsis: An abomination mimic creature enters the story of 'Little Red...
Hamdardi - Directed by Ashley Tabatabai & Stefan Fairlamb
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Hamdardi Brief Synopsis: A bereaved immigration officer struggles with his role in the system...
Nainai’s Recipe - Directed by Daya Lee
Project Type: Animation Project Title: Nainai’s Recipe Brief Synopsis: After a turbulent day at the restaurant leaves Nainai in tears,...
Ghosts In the Blood - Directed by Raphael Buisson Enlas
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Ghosts in the Blood Brief Synopsis: A modern-day genetics professor struggles personally and...
MEA CULPA - Directed by Simone Carpi
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: “MEA CULPA” Brief Synopsis: "A mafia informer is hidden by the witness protection agency in an...
Moisture - Directed by Duda Gorter
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Moisture Brief Synopsis: Brazil: In a gray city in the near future, religious sects and rats live...
The Imagination of a Child - Directed by Cesare Catania
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: The Imagination of a Child Brief Synopsis: The movie, mostly in black and white, completely...
Under the Hawthorn Tree - Directed by Tori Layne
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Under the Hawthorn Tree Brief Synopsis: With no family left, the widow Leila travels to her late...
Blu Disincanto - Directed by Giaime Lewis
Project Type: Short film Project Title: Blu Disincanto Brief Synopsis: A love story between two struggling souls; they meet on a cliff, a...
Academy Boy - Directed by Luke Jin
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Academy Boy Brief Synopsis: Jian, a Chinese immigrant - is thrust into the world of English...
The Most Beautiful Among Mothers - Directed by Mahmoud Abu Jazi
Project Type: Short film Project Title: The Most Beautiful Among Mothers Brief Synopsis: A Palestinian mother, who waits all night for...
IMPERIUM - Directed by Indigo Parer
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: IMPERIUM Brief Synopsis: A father stuck in the past. A son searching for an escape. And a family...
Sunshine Anytime - Directed by Michael Bitanga
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Sunshine Anytime Brief Synopsis: After getting fired, Carmen gets home to her empty apartment...
Unforgettable Moments - Directed by Dan Hernández
Project Type: Animation Short Film Project Title: Momentos Inolvidables (Unforgettable Moments) Brief Synopsis: Lina is a woman who wants...
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