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Cellar Door - Directed by Sleepinfear
An experimental film focusing on a man combating his obscured surroundings. SLEEPINFEAR Director Stephanie Akers Producer Kysannte Dunlap...
Do Ya Wanna - Directed by Nick W. Nicholson
Do Ya Wanna: The Music Video Music Video Category Project Type: Music Video Project Title: Do Ya Wanna: The Video Brief Synopsis: Based...
Biblical Christianity 2.0. walking with Jesus - Directed by Johnny Vonneumann
A documentary opera, entirely shot in Israel. Johnny Vonneumann's Biography Mr. Vonneumann's documentary operas have won over 75 awards...
Gote Goat Ghost - Directed by Shivam Shankar
Project Title: Bhed Bakri Bhoot (Gote Goat Ghost) Brief Synopsis: A Brass Band member's hate comment in a public toilet triggers a chain...
Boots on the Ground for Art - Directed by Kevin Hanzlik
Brief Synopsis: This film reflects the joy and honor of teaching Veterans representing all branches of the Military; and one sees that...
Fixed Point - Directed by Teresa-Esmeralda Sanchez
Project Title: Fixed Point Brief Synopsis: Melissa is haunted by recurring cryptic nightmares. Her friend, Esteban, thinks he can help...
The Grand Book - Directed by Arjan Brentjes
Project Type: Animation Project Title: The Grand Book Brief Synopsis: A young woman lives on the streets in a city that, in style and...
Alive - Directed by Ong Yin Meng Taylor
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: 生 (Alive) Brief Synopsis: Set in a post-apocalyptic world where fossil fuels have run out, humans...
Fetal Dream - Directed by Cloud Chen
A young woman learns that she has had a stillbirth but insists on the birth of her child. A female monk who grew up in a temple recovers...
Mountain Boy - Directed by Zainab Shaheen
Suhail, a young boy with Autism, flees to live in the mountains after his father shuns him, not understanding his determination. Pinned...
Unconditional - Directed by Grant Housley
Unconditional follows the story of Amari, a young man who finds himself struggling with changing the course of his life much to the...
The Ali’I King - Directed by Christine Kunewa Walker
Runtime: 26 min Completion Date: October 2023 Country of Origin: USA Language: English, German, Hawaiian CAST IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE...
KILL TIME - Directed by Mac Mothra
Project Title: KILL TIME Brief Synopsis: A film about two gangsters who came from Poland to Albania to do business. During a meeting, a...
The Bridge - Directed by Aleksandr Kuzmichev
Project Type: Image Video Project Title: The Bridge Brief Synopsis: "The Bridge" is a story about the connection of generations, the...
Evelin and the City of Suitcases - Directed by Aurora Ovan
On her 20th birthday, Evelin is about to receive her last luggage where all her dreams and hopes for the future are well secured when an...
Another Day - Directed by Luis Enrique Jiménez
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Un Día Más (‘Another Day’ in English) Faced with the new reality that the pandemic brings,...
First On The Heel - Directed by Tommy Husband
OUTPUT is proud to present a new filmed collaboration between director Tommy Husband & Liverpool Improvisation Collective. The film First...
Subway Stories - New York: Directed by Binghe (Wilson Lou)
Project Type: AI-generated movie (except for the script, the graphics, music and narration are all done with AI tools) Project Title:...
Hezur Berriak - Directed by Aritz Lazkano
A Navarrese smuggler leader of the 1960s, herds cattle with his brother and cronies. His employer extorts Portuguese immigrants and a...
Scarlett - Directed by Andrea Marbán
Akemi, devastated by the murder of her best friend Scarlett, must challenge destiny to save her, defying the warnings of her grandma...
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