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Blink Time - Directed by David John Jeffery
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Blink Time Brief Synopsis: Sam is transported through time by a strange device. Runtime: 5...
Chomp - Directed by Carter Bowden
A young man is challenged both psychically and psychologically when he takes part in an experiment led by a mysterious scientist. Carter...
Because We Are Too Many - Directed by Eve Leonard-Walsh
Project Type: Feature Film Project Title: Because We Are Too Many Brief Synopsis: A single mother is forced to confront her dark past,...
L'INCONTRO - Directed by Erik Montalbano
Project Type: Short film Project Title: L'INCONTRO Brief Synopsis: Beatrice has been paraplegic since she was born, Giorgio is a former...
Home - Directed by Al Chang
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: HOME Brief Synopsis: Seo-won navigates a fragmented reality filled with emotional encounters and...
A Foretelling at the Dusk - Directed by Hirokazu Fukawa
Project Type: Film Project Title: 夕占-A Foretelling at the Dusk Brief Synopsis: Do you wish to know what happen in a future? A folklore...
Zero Hour: A Chef’s Odyssey - Directed by Irving Perdomo, Roman Fiorella
Project Type: Food Documentary Project Title: Zero Hour: A Chef’s Odyssey Brief Synopsis: Unlike other food documentaries we're focusing...
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - Directed by Bianca Infurna
Project Title: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Project Type: Film Brief Synopsis: In his 1936 essay, The Work of...
Not A Long Time Ago - Directed by Marcus Günther
Director Biography - Marcus Günther 1967 born in Solingen • 1967-1973 grown up in Scharfhausen, Solingen • 1973-1984 common school...
Goblin King - Directed by Edward Vincent
Project Type: Short film Project Title: Goblin King Brief Synopsis: Snuff film maker Adam returns the night before Halloween to his snuff...
Flat White - Directed by Stephen Shearsby
Project Type: Short Film Project Title: Flat White Brief Synopsis: Not many hospitality businesses would give Patrick a second look....
Chance of Stormy Skies - Directed by Ted Hogeman
Project Type: TV Series Project Title: Chance of Stormy Skies Brief Synopsis: A genre bending anthology series of weird tiny films. ...
Caged - Directed by Orestis Rouskas
Project Type: Short film Project Title: Caged Brief Synopsis: Dionisis is a lonely man trying to figure out the woman's identity tha...
Project Stargate: An unscientific comedy - Directed by Regina Chitralla
Project Type: Pilot episode (TV series) Project Title: Project Stargate - an unscientific comedy Brief Synopsis: A failed philosophy...
Aux Bords de Seine - Directed by Novinyo Wolanyo
Brief Synopsis: "Aux Bords de Seine" is a poetry, an enigma to be solved, a romance, a tragedy, a crossroads of several stories, a...
Juggernaut - Directed by Daniele & Emanuele Ricci
Title: Juggernaut Duration: 20:00 min Country of Origin: Italy Genre: Dark Fantasy, Horror Directors: Daniele & Emanuele Ricci Producers:...
Jimmy And Baby - Directed by Paul Robertson
Project Type: Animation Project Title: JIMMY AND BABY Brief Synopsis: Jimmy and Baby is a slapstick comedy adventure that follows two...
Ahibak - Directed by Ilan Aazoulay
AHIBAK will be illustrated by a story based on themes like family and accomplishment. LOG LINE: This is the story of a mother, who tries...
ADINKRA: Dying and Stamping Process - Directed by Oyiza Adaba
This short film by award-winning Director Oyiza Adaba, was shot at Adinkra Crafts Village, Ntonso near Kumasi in Ghana. Ntonso is known...
Stairwell 45 - Directed by Jevgeni Jevsikov
Project Type: FILM Project Title: Stairwell 45 Brief Synopsis: In the streets of Bispehaven, Århus, Rashid leads a life on the edge. When...
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