Secret Garden - Directed by Yihui Hu
White Noise (Ghost out of the shell) - Directed by JEONG-UNG JO
Rare Kind - Directed by Earl Cole
Douche Canoe - Directed by Craig Melville
The Last Show - Directed by Lisle Turner
5 Am In Manama - Directed by Khaled Jalal
My Brother’s Bike - Directed by Daniel Pattison
Our Grandparents Hunted Here - Directed by Abdel Mandili, Julian Busquets Moura
Kuulat (Beads) - Directed by Hannaleena Bensky
Cut All Trees - Directed by Olivia Lige Wuri
Sand & Stone - Directed by Berta Canivell
When Time Stops - Directed by Anna Castagnaro & Sebastian Ortiz
Chain - Directed by Ling Han
The Man Who Read Faces - Directed by Lee Jung-Joo Yohan
Here After - Directed by KwaK Min Yeong
Pale Runner - Directed by Yimin Xu
My Life Is Circus - Directed by Desoni Cooper
Unconditional - Directed by Marta Chierego
Uncanny Boulevard - Directed by Marco Maldera
Journey-Cuba - Directed by Sean Kim